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Algorithm Team

Algorithm team applies techniques of computer vision and helps the robot to detect the enemy. We take a depth image and feed into a neural network that we have trained before. After we get the position and distance from the robot to the enemy, we run an aerodynamics model to solve for the yaw and pitch to hit the target. Last but not least, the yaw and pitch is send to the control algorithm using UART.

Control Team

In control team, we eliminate the gap between human and a robot. By collecting sensors data coming from other teams and making decision internally, operator’s command could be understood and realized by a machine as if it’s alive robot. By applying control theories, such as PID design based on model dynamics, one is able to regulate system even if it has inherent complexity. Three main topics are going on in control team: drive system dynamics analysis followed by velocity and position control, gimbal stability control and improvement, and prediction on projectile trajectory. Based off of these topics, our undergraduate students are developing innovative solutions to make the robot stronger. For example, one of the teammates was able to design a dodge mode for the robot drive system such that it could avoid most of damages during the completion. More and interesting topics are welcomed and we certainly need your input and ideas.

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Electrical Team

Our electrical team is the backbone of the robot which connects the computer vision team hardware and the control team hardware together and provides stable power at the same time. The electrical team also designs and implements the sensor on the robot which can provide an insight to the player for things like the distance to the wall, and it can also automate some complicated process such as climbing the stair and pick up the ammo box. One of the highlights of the electrical team project is the super-capacitor booster which enables a robot to accelerate much faster during a time of need, around 5-6x faster. The electrical team members implement and design most of the embedded system on board, they also custom design PCB for all the sub-system.

MechAnical Team

The mechanical team is the backbone of our club. With over 30 members, mechanical team designs, prototypes and manufactures all robots. Using Solidworks, members design all mechanical parts and combine electrical parts into digital assembly that provide a platform for all other teams to perform their magic. Our ultimate goal is for members to design for manufacturing. As we utilize different manufacturing methods including 3D printing, CNC milling, Water-jet cutting, members not only gain knowledge on how to operate the machines outside of classroom, but also improve their ability to designing CAD and prepare themselves to become better engineers.

Business team

The business team is most heavily involved in bringing in money and people for the team. The team is further split into three branches: outreach, marketing, and finance. The outreach team is mostly responsible for communicating with sponsors and organizing events. The marketing team is responsible for creating the team merchandise, managing the social media accounts, and producing marketing content. The finance team manages the purchases, inventory, and financial resources of the team. The business team is composed of members from various colleges from aspiring graphic designers to STEM minded business majors.

YuXi Liu

President & Project Manager

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Zijian He

Founder & Team Advisor


Ruoyi Li

Mechanical Lead

Jayson Stansbury

Mechanical Lead

Rongbo Hu

Electrical Lead


Jia Xie

Control Lead

Tom O’Donnell

Algorithm Lead

Yichi Liu

Co-founder & Algorithm Lead


Gustav Karlsson


Andy Niu

Operations Lead

Megan Earp

Outreach Lead

Ava Huff

Media Manager

Faculty Advisors


Dr. Nga Hin Ben Fong

Associate Professor of Practice

Industrial Engineering

Dr. Stanley H. Chan

Associate Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dr. Abolfazl Hashemi

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

dr. Yan gu

Associate Professor

Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Haiyan Zhang

Professor, Director of Center for Technology Development

Polytechnic Institute


Industry Advisors


Andy Baker

President of AndyMark


Member Major Distribution (%)


5 Hands-On Faculty

Serving as both mentors and advisors that actively work with the leadership to help resolve major technical, management, and financial barriers facing the team. They do not just sign papers.

137 Registered Members

Across Various Majors: School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Computer Science, School of Industrial Engineering, Polytechnic Institute, and Krannert School of Management.

21 Distinct Nationalities

The Boilerbots team is a multinational and multicultural organization. Members comprise various nationalities, including the United States, China, South Korea, India, Switzerland, Vietnam, Singapore, Cuba, Spain, and more.